
Saturday 30 March 2024



Now, here's the story that I'm talking about. ..
Alias Jeannie Delaney, my epic western trilogy, follows the life of devastating and charismatic pants-wearing cowgirl Jeannie Morgan, who's the fastest gun in the west and a magnificent lover to both men and women. This is her journey to find her true self on the wild frontier throughout deadly confrontations and personal tragedies. Will Jeannie find happiness or will her tomboy beauty, powerful persona and lethal gun ultimately be the death of her? Read the three novels and find out!


I shared this post a while ago, after visiting a Cobbles & Clogs
Steampunk event at Basingstoke's Milestones Museum in Hampshire UK. Enormous fun! Loads of stalls, music and everyone dressed wild west steampunk, fairies, military, medieval, you-name-it... 

Hubby and I were dressed to the nines - hubby as a military sergeant in frilled shirt, peaked cap, medals and goggles and me as glam pirate Kitty Le Roy complete with small flintlock pistol. When I'm not Kitty Le Roy, a gun totin', cheroot chompin' wild westerner granny, that's what I do. 

Milestones Museum is an indoor Victorian town open to customers to wander shop and factory settings. One of the pavements boasts 'chalked' hopscotch squares. Naturally we have to hop. Hubby is tall and drainpipe skinny, and he's good at hopping. I ain't. I used to be slim and beautiful but now I'm Rubenesque and beautiful. I've never hopped well and was terrible at school PE, although I'm great on a bike and striding briskly. So I sorta hopped on and off, huffing and puffing. Hubby hopped like a good 'un, and we filmed one another. Brilliant. Hop scotching steampunk style. As you do.


Now, if you want to see the thing being done properly, here you are:

Here is further evidence of the unexpectedly cute nature of the author of this gritty western. A very unlikely person. Many years ago I received a phone call from a fellow wild westerner. 'Good grief (or words to that effect - so western.) - I expected you to sound butch, not sweet.' Apparently I sound sweet. So much for sounding like a wild west cowgirl!

                                    I LOVE THE COLOUR PINK 
                                                       & PIG & MONKEY 

                                  DRIVING OUR NARROWBOAT 
                                        OUT OF LOCKS NEAR RUGBY.  
                                                          A GREAT TRIP! 
So, did this fun loving, hopscotching cute Gran (so they say, and who am I to dispute that?) to teenage twin granddaughters really write that gritty, sometimes dark and violent western trilogy? Yes, I really did. The mind does boggle a tad. There are two sides of me. The dark side who suffers from depression and the goofy, creative side. The goofy artistic side is dominant, thank goodness, but the dark side, when the mood strikes, comes crashing in. 

I had to write Alias Jeannie Delaney. I had no choice. This girl gunslinger, the fastest gun in the west, and eventually a great lover to both men and women, had to be. My fascination for the wild west decreed that I write the life story of a pants-wearing cowgirl. I know her inside out. I know what she looks like, her qualities and her likes and dislikes. I wanted to be her, it turns out.

Jeannie is powerful. Magnetic. Charismatic, funny, scary. Terrifying sometimes. Tremendously stylish in male clothing. Sexy as hell. Tomboy beautiful. OTT. Irresistible. She's bisexual. All things to everyone. I was horrendously embarrassed about her, which made things even harder. I tried to tone her down but it didn't work. Finding out just how much people appreciate her has made things much better for me. 

I wanted to be like her to make up for my largely alone, neglected and unappreciated position within my biological family. Having children made matters harder and my mental health, exacerbated by childbirth and post-natal depression, suffered, along with the drip-drip of biological family pressures and opinions. 

That's why I wanted to be Jeannie. That's why I needed to write her story and 'get her out there'. That's why I have two sides. 

Take a look on Kindle Unlimited, and the link to my book. Readers find it and steam through it like a railroad train, then immediately get onto Book 2! Kindle Unlimited Go West, Girl! I've accumulated many five star reviews and ratings in the US, and a number of readers here in the UK. Excellent! 

See you in my next blog post! x




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