
Saturday 22 April 2023


It's a waiting game, as I keep saying. I'm waiting for the cover for Alias Jeannie Delaney to be finished. These things take time. As ex-businessman hubby, says,: 'Let your staff get on with it.' 'My' staff...! 😄

So, while I'm waiting...

My family are amazingly creative. Hubby writes great anecdotal stories about his three years at university and wonderfully bonkers sci-fi stories, and he builds scenery for his model railway. Our daughter is a successful author of historical corset-ripping novels, and our son is creating GoPro films for YouTube, showing his adventures, explorations and activities. He's a bit of an adrenaline boy. 

He'd started by filming, on his phone, whatever he was doing, wherever he was going, talking about it and WhatsApp-ing to his mates. He visited Paris for a week and friends demanded films from him. They all loved it. 'Brilliant - send me one. You're great on video!' He is a natural. Funny, entertaining, informative. He was so successful that his mates suggested he set up a YouTube channel. He agreed. He even wants to be a little educational now. He wants his films to be raw, not polished. As it comes, for everyman/woman to appreciate. His explorations cover disused railways and tunnels, caves, wartime relics. Anywhere that's reasonably accessible... His activities cover kayaking, parachuting, sailboarding, rifle (mine) and crossbow (we both use it) shooting, talking about it and how to go about doing it without killing yourself. 

I'm delighted that he's doing this. Again an amazingly creative way to record his activities. His camera is usually attached to a headband or on a selfie stick. Best of all, I'm so honoured that I've been involved in some of it. What an excellent way to bond with one's kids! 

Hubby, meanwhile, is on an extended cruise on our narrow boat Dotterel with his sister, bro-in-law and niece, taking the boat to Wales. His parents come from Wales, and his passion for canals and narrow boating comes from holidays his family used to take up there, and inspiration from The Flower of Gloster, a sixties TV series about a  boy and his sister and brother who pilot a narrow boat from Wales to London after their father is injured. 


Therefore Hubby wanted very much to do a cruise from our mooring in Warwickshire up to the Llangollen Canal into Wales (I think I've got that right!). 

I love our boat and I love our cruises, but not extended ones like that. I don't like being away for so long. So I'm taking the train to join him this week for the section into Wales. 

And Tom has been checking up on me, bless him! 

So, because I've just started using TomTom sat nav, he had me drive him in my Mini Cooper to a local disused railway line and tunnel mouth, which involved a bit of steep descending and climbing. I'm so glad I did that, and the shoving through overgrowth to see the tunnel entrance. So Indiana Jones. I left Tom to get on with his filming, and he showed me the result later. Impressive.

Yesterday I filmed him shooting his crossbow just using his phone. I loved being a part of that. I've never done anything like this before.

Here's the link to Tom's YouTube channel. Tom's Adventures - Living Life With the Purpose and Pursuit of Adventure. 



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