
Saturday 15 July 2023


What if Alias Jeannie Delaney was a musical...

I love all kinds of music. A lot of classics (some of it makes me swoon!), some jazz, rock n' roll, some pop, eighties electronic, and bang up-to-date music. I love some rap, Dance, and progressive rock. We turn it up loud when we're driving. 😄

I don't enjoy musicals that much. I was brought up on them because my Dad, particularly, loved them. Although I quite liked them back then, that put me off 'em big time. The one that struck a chord (!) however, was West Side Story

The dancing was fabulous and some of the songs were very emotive. But - I also love a lot of the numbers from western musicals, including Paint Your Wagon

Sadly I haven't been able to listen to western musicals much in adulthood because, being westerns, they make me feel very emotional and sometimes very sad (complicated story...). 

I've watched snippets of Doris Day's 1953 Calamity Jane and have mixed feelings about it. I love some of the numbers - enormous fun - and the early scenes are brilliant. I'm not keen on My Secret Love (when she's yearning for Wild Bill) although I love her Calamity costumes, and I hate it when the story ends with her as a bride being driven off by Bill. Ruins the whole thing! I know this was the fifties, and getting women back into the home after the war was the thing, but - aaarrgh! Did they have to? Calamity was never tamed. 


Now don't laugh. I listen to loads of emotional and upbeat songs, and in my fantasies, Jeannie is singing them. She dances in the novel.  (She's a terrific dancer of jigs, upbeat numbers of the day - of course she is!). Yes, she sings in my fantasies, in an androgynous voice. 

This is something I've thought many times: What if Alias Jeannie Delaney was a musical? 😃

Robbie Williams's Feel is one such song that Jeannie sings in my head and I absolutely love it! I wasn't able to listen to that because it made me feel very emotional and sad and the setting is western and he's riding a horse. Jeannie is singing about her feelings for Vicky, her girlfriend, before they declare their love for one another, and it's belted out and extremely emotional. (Oops - teaser ...). 

                                                 ROBBIE WILLIAMS - FEEL

The other numbers I love are The Weekends Blinding Light. 
Broken Wings is another, and The Big Country yet another. I definitely can't listen to the latter without bursting into a blubbery mess!

                              THE WEEKEND - BLINDING LIGHT

                                 MR.MISTER - BROKEN WINGS


I've had these thoughts and fantasies for years and never told anyone for fear of ridicule. But nobody has ridiculed me. Hubby says: 'What's wrong with that? It's great!' 

I had to say something because it's so emotive (intense feelings - huge) and keeping that secretive was doing my head in.

Yes, music can be soooo emotive!


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