
Wednesday 22 May 2024


I'm literally waiting with bated breath to hear from my cover designer and see what he's come up with for Alias Jeannie Delaney - Book 2 - (title to be revealed). Eek. We shall see. 

For those of you who have only just joined me and are yet to be introduced to my epic western trilogy, the saga follows the life of a devastating and charismatic pants-wearing cowgirl who's the fastest gun in the west and a great lover to both men and women. This is her journey to find her true self on the wild frontier. 

I've been working on promotion ideas using AI (artificial intelligence) and some of the ideas are really interesting. I'm an artist, I worked in graphic design and I'm a writer (!) so I've got a good idea on how to promote myself, sometimes with suggestions from PA 
hubby. I have a lot of promoters approach me, but I'm capable of creating promotional material myself and sharing online. 

So, while I wait for the arrival of my book 2 cover, there's nothing to stop me from thinking about Book 3. Hubby has been reading through it, then we'll read through it together, send that to my editor, then I'll consider the cover for that, and so on. 

I'm still struggling with my author website and its layout. I think it might be too complex because I have my Kitty Le Roy website attached. 

Lots to think about...

My original artworks of Jeannie. 

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