Author & Multi-Disciplinary Artist

Monday 11 March 2024




I've spent the past umpteen sometimes painful years working on an epic western trilogy Alias Jeannie DelaneyI shouldn't have been surprised when this turned into a trilogy. I self-published, with PA hubby's brilliant help, the first novel, Book 1 - Go West, Girl! on Amazon. It's been very successful in many ways, accruing over two hundred readers and five star reviews, some of which commented on the unique status of my subject matter. (Devastating, charismatic pants-wearing cowgirl Jeannie Morgan is the fastest gun in the west. This is the story of her struggles with the jealousies of people over her powerful persona and her gun skills. A gipping story of a cowgirl's journey to find her true self on the frontier). I'm working on promotion and the next two novels. 

As a complete break from intense trilogies, I'm aspiring towards multipassionate and sometimes
radical creativity and, being the renaissance soul that I am and always have been, pursuing my umpteen zillion interests and hobbies.

A multipassionate creative is someone who's artistry covers any number of practices, be it photography, writing, sculpture, theatre design, jewellery making, printing...  A polymath, or renaissance soul is someone like my hero Leonardo da Vinci, who had umpteen zillion interests too, although he never finished his commissions, leaving behind a load of clients sighing in exasperation! 


My zillion interests and fascinations include reading, creativity, boating, wild west, rifle, archery and crossbow shooting, travel and exploration, flying, snorkelling, archaeology, beach combing and mud larking, history of photography, underwater photography and maritime archaeology, medicine, space flight and exploration, the paranormal, gardens, Japanese gardens, tropical plants, driving, cycling, walking, yoga, architecture, science and biology...  you get the picture! 😅

This is by no means an exhaustive list, and some of it I'm aspiring to include in my creativity. In between working on my trilogy, I intend to build my brand as an artist. Which means I have to become more disciplined. 😱! My poor old visual creativity zone has been neglected. After all, I have just bought a new art desk and installed it in our conservatory/studio. 

I've created accounts on both YouTube and Tick-Tock and I'm posting videos demonstrating the type of simple creativity that anyone who claims that they can't draw a straight line can do! I'm aiming to experiment, including using weird and wonderful materials - mud, stones, chocolate (before I eat it), wet tea bags, coffee (before I drink it), fruit, squashes, beetroot, papers and plastics, found objects... and anything else I can think of that's weird but not disgusting. I'd like to be drastic in some cases, such as Jackson Pollock would do, and throw paint from a tin against a wall! More conventional materials include wood, acrylics, gouache, clay, mixed media, 3D, collage, pens, inks, coloured markers, pencils, pastels, collage... you name it. I love abstracts, photographic realism, stylised, Art Deco and Art Nouveau, Arts and Crafts, abstract expressionism. Still life, landscapes, faces and figures, design and pattern. Science, botany and biology. Alternative processes such  as cyanotype 
and anthotype photographic processes sound fun as well. Get my drift? I'd like to photograph the stages during art making and share it online. 

My only issue is that I suffer from the next shiny object syndrome. I look at something, then I'm attracted to something within the something. Then I'm attracted to something within that...🙄 I want a get-out clause. I won't beat myself up about it. I'll simply say to self: 'You thought about it. Good. Tomorrow's another day. Maybe then.'

I'm a student of Life, continually learning, experimenting, growing and developing. I'd love to hear from anyone who feels the same way! Speak soon. x




  1. I'm all over the place. But I try to get a daily dose of creativity.
    If you have time stop by for a cup of coffee.

    1. Hello Dora! Lovely to hear from you! Let's have that coffee! Your place or mine?! 😄
