Author & Multi-Disciplinary Artist

Tuesday 9 May 2023



It's not everyone's bag, obviously, but I love the gym! I went regularly, once upon a time many years pre-prepandemic and pre-gym apps on your phone. 

I discovered the gym on one of these People's Choice activities. Or whatever it was called - it used to be called Housewife's' Choice until they decided that that was an unacceptable title, implying that only women could attend. I knew at least two househusbands. 


I visited the sports centre once a week when the kids were small. They had a creche and it helped us young mums from going bonkers, and I made a number of friends there. There were movement groups, racket sports, swimming, have a go at archery (I made a special mate there), and the gym. I loved the gym! I had a go on most of the equipment with no-one showing you how to use it unless you wanted that. Suited me - I hate people showing me what to do. I'm terrible like that. I knew what to do and how to do it by watching people. I'm very bendy and I was pretty fit back then. 

My reasons for enjoying it are several fold. Obviously it helps keep you fit. There are other folk - all different levels of shape, age, sexes and fitness - so you're not alone. You might even make friends with them if you go often enough. No-one looks at you because they're too busy doing their own thing. No: 'Oh, look at her - she's so spotty/ fat/skinny/ugly/dressed badly.' And they're equally spotty/fat/skinny/ugly/dressed badly. There are loads of strapping young fellahs and gals as well as strapping older fellahs and gals. There's good up-to-the-minute background music. And there are instructors in case you need them. Just ask. 'Scuse me - how do I position myself on this?' Just watch how others position themselves. Ah - got it! 

So I went today. First time in years. I was very apprehensive. The old gym had been demolished and replaced with a new one. Very snazzy. I had tried to go, and downloaded the membership app, but my app wouldn't play ball for various technical reasons known only to itself. I couldn't contact the gym either. Too busy. Sod it - just go! You might not need to book up. Lo and behold, the lovely lady at reception told me I had two accounts, so to deal with that at the end of my session. So I paid cash and made my gingerly way to the huge gym. 

I liked it. I liked the staff. Incredibly helpful and pleasant. I went on the treadmill. They'd been updated to include YouTube and the telly - posh. I used leg bending and arm bending equipment, then finished off with me showing off just how bendy I am with yogic positions and not turning a hair. But I can't stand on one leg. I try it and topple sideways. The lady next to me could, and she told me I have a good core so I will be able to do it. Just practice. 

Honestly, throughout I felt as though I had never left. Apart from finding my way around and locating the floor exercise area at the end of the session, it went extremely well. It's a huge space compared to the old one, and pretty scary with all that metal and leather equipment if this is your first time.

I'd been feeling pretty yukky because I don't exercise enough or get out enough, but finally I've done it! 


At the end of my session, I had a cappuccino - lovely - and found a great computer guy who sorted out my membership issues, and that was that. 

I'll definitely be back!

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