Author & Multi-Disciplinary Artist

Thursday 29 June 2023


Oy, you lovely lot -  follow Kit Mackenzie's Author Page! Chop chop. 😄! 

Said in the friendliest mode because you're a lovely bunch and I'm very lucky to have you. And tell all your friends (and enemies) about me and my novel and what a stonking story it is. It is stonking because it's huge. I won't say great because not everyone will like it and some will positively hate/dislike it. As Oscar Wilde said: "There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about."

Alias Jeannie Delaney is a western. I think we've got a grip on that now. It's epic. A story told in three novels about half my protagonist's life. That's forty-five years, from 1865 to  1910. That's a heck of a lot of story, and not everyone has the time to read all that, and not everyone likes westerns. Many folk are lukewarm about them. Can take them or leave them. 

I'm just emphasizing these facts for potential readers as a warning. The three books cover my protagonist Jeannie's life from birth in New Orleans to her position as a powerful Wyoming rancher and her second inauguration as an equally powerful town mayor aged forty-five. 

I read through it and I'm excited by the story and can't wait to get it out! My editor loved the first book and said: 'Wow!' and helped me tweak and fix my words. She wasn't just saying that because she was after the work, because she had the work anyway. I'm always excited when people respond like that. Well, who wouldn't be?

I love my cover - my designer took my original artwork and design ideas and transformed them into a polished, beautiful front cover. I'm posting it here again - yes, again - for the benefit of those of you who may not have seen it. 

So - it's quite some story. Both the story itself and the story of the story. I'm really proud of both, I think, because it's the novel
I wanted/needed/had to write - I had no choice because no-one had written it, and there are complicated psychological reasons why I was compelled to write it which I didn't appreciate at the time but will enlarge upon in the future. I'm also proud of the fact that the front cover is the result of the collaboration between me and my designer. 

Not everyone will like the story for various reasons, including they don't like westerns, they won't like the occasional sexy, juicy subject matter bits within some chapters, and they don't like non-traditional westerns. Fair enough. Don't read it. There's room enough for all of us. 

So, to all of you who are kindly saying that you can't wait to read it - there's no guarantee that you'll enjoy it, and please don't read it just out of kindness and because you said you would. There's an awful lot of it. I found it hard enough to get through! 

Three novels for Gawds sake... ! What was I thinking?!

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