
Sunday 4 June 2023


Here it it! My Jeannie Delaney e-novel cover in all its glory, plus the blurb about the story. 

'Devastating and legendary deputy sheriff Jeannie Morgan snaps a hand towards her holstered Colt. Her draw is blurred and blistering, shattering her opponent's hand. He screams and clutches his hand to his chest...'

'She'd started life in New Orleans but her father wanted to travel west and Jeannie becomes a cowgirl on his ranch. Here she finds her true western self, but she can't fit in. She grows strong and has a phenomenally fast gun hand which she relishes, causing men to hate her and for the fear she instills in them when she outdraws them.

She's developed into a stunning tomboy beauty and she knows it. Men – and women – desire her, but her sexuality has turned into something no-one understands.

She's killed twice in self defence, and now she's desperate to kill again for revenge. What will be the outcome of her actions? What will she become? And will her charismatic power and sexuality be the death of her?'

Book One of this crack shot trilogy, 'Go West, Girl!', introduces us to a girl who becomes devastating, tough as a miner's old boots, and owns a gaze which can kill just by looking at you.

My novel's audacious protagonist Jeannie was ahead of her time in 1985 when I began her story. I remember typing my first words on my electric typewriter one-handed while bottle feeding my baby. Over thirty years later, it's time to liberate Jeannie's story...

Alias Jeannie Delaney will be launched on Amazon in July, at which point I'll share the links.

Do visit my Facebook Kit MacKenzie Author Page. Here I'm posting regularly about my journey to self-publication. A long and - mostly - interesting one! 

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