Author & Multi-Disciplinary Artist

Friday 18 August 2023


I'm a renaissance soul. A scanner. A polymath. I'm one of those people who has a zillion interests and hobbies. I love learning. 


While I've been a tad busy on the launch of Alias Jeannie Delaney - Book 1- Go West, Girl!, I've had to sideline a lot of my other stuff. Besides being a writer and wild west enthusiast, I'm also an artist, and much of that has gone by the sidelines for a long time while my PA (my soulmate hubby) and I worked on getting the novel out. 

As an artist I want to aspire to be multi-disciplinary. What on earth is that? Some folks might ask. Over the years, when folk find out that I'm an artist, they invariably ask me what kind? What sort of art do I do? Anything and everything, I respond. 

Sort of true. Multidisciplinary art covers a lot of sins. There's film work, art installations, for example. 

There's sculpture. Concrete, bronze, wood. I'm not bad at sculpture but not brilliant, but I do love it. There's printing. I never got on with that at college, but now I want to tackle it. I've discovered YouTube and SlideShare. I love taking digital photos. And so on.  

Now I'm marketing my novel like bonkers and my art and design will come into its own. It's an interesting challenge. 

So, this renaissance soul biz...  

This year I learned to snorkel.

Absolutely fabulous! Hubby and I (and sometimes son Tom) take our canoes out for a paddle, whether it be on local canals, rivers and the sea. 

We're mud larkers. Those strange folk who, using a gardening trowel, pick around river/sea beds and uncover pieces of pottery and unidentified bits of metal. We're not certified archaeologists. We're not Indiana Joneses. We haven't got insurance and we're not members of a club. We decided that mud larking is easy and more fun. Just turn up and do it. 


I love my garden. Three ponds, a waterfall and a frontier cabin. Second largest garden on our estate. The largest is near the main road. I'm not a gardener like my Mum was (plants die when I look at 'em, poor sods. Never give me a plant) but I love pottering in our somewhat wild garden, tidying it up, pruning and trimming. Quite therapeutic sometimes, and when Lulu the cat joins us and pounces after butterflies (and misses!) and rustles around in the undergrowth, it's lovely. 


I'm fascinated by the paranormal. Hence my blog post I Love a Good Ghost Story.   

Steampunk - we love dressing up in the gear and attending events. There are no rules beside being splendid to one another. 

Yoga, Cycling, walking...

Science - medical matters, space research... it's utterly fascinating too. Social history...

I hope to return to archery one day. I'm always saying that.  A difficult one. I've got the gear, but it's hard if you suffer from social anxiety within a competitive, strictly controlled 

And so on and so forth...

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